Friday, September 24, 2010

Grizzly BEAR

Taking the Music Blog Zeitgeist #2 spot for Best Album, Grizzly Bear's Veckatimest deserves nothing less.

I am sure most of you have heard the hit single from Veckatimest called Two Weeks. The song is a mellifluous piece of art that isn't meant for rocking out, it is simply for listening. It'll stop you in your tracks and take control of your ears and mind.

You see, many of us don't take the time to JUST listen to music. We often multi-task while enjoying our favorite records but we never JUST enjoy our favorite records and it's something I believe we should do more of. Music is the key to our soul and we have to embrace that and incorporate into our lives.

So set aside a couple of minutes each day to simply listen to music and squeeze every melody, beat and rhythm out of it. If you have 53 minutes to spare, Veckatimest will not disappoint you on this journey, if you decide to take it.



  1. imo they should go do live concerts near amsterdam

  2. very awesome indeed!

    added, add me back

  3. Awesome music! Definitely perfect for doing absolutely nothing but sitting down and listening to it.

  4. This album took a while to grow on me, but indeed when I took the time to sit down and actually LISTEN to it, it blew me away.

  5. I made the mistake of seeing the video for Two Weeks first, which draws out derision in ire in me for some reason. However, I heard it a while back while driving and quite enjoyed it. I've since changed my habits to not watch videos until I've heard the song on its own.

  6. I've been listening to this non stop since i woke up

  7. I'll be sure to check them out.

  8. Thanks for the music idea... Will check it out in the morning! Look forward to future posts. Keep in touch.

  9. I'm digging the site. Keep it up!

  10. Dude I LOVE grizzly bear. If you want cool ideas for music, check out SPIN magazine. ALWAYS sweet choices in there.
    I promise there's no soulja boy

  11. Hurray for music, makes the world go around soundly.

  12. Good music is always welcome! I prefer a little heavier sounds but this is also cool.

  13. cool, thanks for the tip. Gonna check it out

  14. my friend runied grizzly bear for me

    he pointed out the lyrics are absolutely terrible

    sorry everyone :/

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